Do I need to see a psychologist?

Some people need years to even visit a dentist; no wonder it takes time to go to a psychologist – it’s not pleasant, expensive and there’s no guarantee of success. It seems easier to clench your teeth and carry on, or complain to a friend about people or events that upset you, or get drunk, or take a sleeping pill… The list is long, but these methods only help you to achieve short-term relief, they nearly never work long-term. So there is no need to wait for the teeth to be ground to dust, or for the use of the substance that helps you deal with life to become abuse. It makes more sense to look for help as soon as possible.
You would most likely benefit from seeing a psychotherapist, if:
• You are not content with your life and do not see what practical steps could change this (I won’t be able to help you earn enough for a new flat or find you a suitable partner, but I could help you examine what it is that you need, what stands in your way and which steps will take you in the desired direction).
• You see that there is something in your character or inner world that interferes with living the way you want or consider right.
• You had an experience that is affecting you so much, that you cannot live the way you want or consider right.
You shouldn’t see a psychotherapist (at least not me) if:
– You are not ready to work on yourself and are not interested in change.
– You expect me to give you pills (I have no right to prescribe them) or simple solutions of the “10 steps to total happiness” type.
– You want a recipe for changing another person.

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