What will I get after one visit? How long does psychotherapy last?

The content of the first session strongly depends on each psychotherapist. Usually we get to know each other, the psychologist hears out the client’s questions and wishes, we look at whether we fit together/ I always ask myself: will I be able to help? If the answer is NO I say so straight away (see Do I need to see a psychologist?). If it is YES, we can outline a generalized plan of work. Often I suggest to clients a commitment of 5 sessions to feel my style of work and afterwards make a decision if they need to continue. The first session often brings a feeling of relief, because you let out things that have been inside for a long time. In very rare occasions this alone might be enough. Usually the questions that have to do with counseling (when we work on resolving a practical problem by using specific steps and strategies) take about 10 sessions; deeper problems could take a lot longer.
Often clients stop to come when they start to feel relief from the tension that initially brought them to me. I understand the desire to enjoy a tranquil life and the resistance towards plunging into painful depths of oneself, but even so I advise to stay a little longer and see where lies the source of this tension to prevent it from repeating months or years later.
Many clients leave without saying Good Bye: don’t come back after a vacation, miss a week and stop coming. This can be due to different reasons. However good/bad you feel I suggest you ask your psychologist for a last session and complete the process. This is very important for the results to endure. Sometimes it is this last session that gives you a special insight, because everything that has to do with a clear and good ending of relationships and businesses tends to be challenging to many people. No professional and ethical psychotherapist/counselor would ever make you stay by manipulating you in any way. The decision to end therapy is always yours. If you have come to a decision to stop you will always be able to return if new questions, goals or circumstances arise.

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